
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phillip and Rae's post

Phillip and Rae are just back from working hard at the gym.

Phillip says: "I watched Eastenders last night on TV, it was very good, it's my favourite programme, I like all the stories and characters."

Rae says: " I went to pictures in Crewe yesterday and I saw a film about a slug - it went looking for water with people of the town, the snake came and said he wasn't what he seems and he left and Clint Eastwood was in it as an old man, a cowboy. It was a good film.

I had lunch at a cafe, I had a cucumber and tomato batch it was nice. I bought a paper and a radio times and looked in a guitar shop too. I've got a guitar already but wanted to see what they had. I also bought a video of Radio Caroline, I'm looking forward to watching it."

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