
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More news from the Old Fire Station Blog Team

We've just lost the Tai Chi group over to the memorial Hall so its a bit quieter now and we can move round again rather than being crammed in! It's nice having lots of people with lots of news to tell though.

Talking of the Memorial Hall yesterday some of our guys manned a stand all about our day services at the Big Drop In, where people could go for advice and information about pretty much anything. They said they had a good day and worked really hard to put up a nice display. So many thanks to Pete, Jody, Karen, Jill and Helen who were there most of the day.

So more news - next up we have Jane Cook who is with us today but looking forward to having a taster day at Firdale tomorrow. She's hoping its a baking session tomorrow as she likes cake! Any kind of cake! She's in the picture below with her keyworker Denise.

Tracy Radcliffe is also back in the Blog group after being away for a while, its lovely to have her back! Tracy has been helping with Jane's cup and tidying up this morning. She says: "I was at Winsford yesterday, I had chicken soup and a bread roll and butter in the Humble Pie Cafe for lunch, and a diet pepsi, it was lovely and I would recommend it if you're in Winsford. We looked around the shops too but I didn't buy anything. We went to the sports session in the Lifestyle centre and joined in there playing the games with balls and hoops. It was good fun and helps keep us fit so its good."

Kathryn Frazer is next and she's never been on the Blog before, so it's lovely to have her here. She's pictured below with Barry and Tracy in a lovely green jumper. Kathryn says: "I've enjoyed being in the Blog group, it's fun! I like it when Jamie is silly and I like Jane's shoes! This afternoon I'm going to Anita's Nails to have my nails done. I like it there, I enjoy it, the best bit is the nice ladies there, Anita and Carol are lovely."

Barry Williams has been very very patient today waiting for his turn, and is looking very smart too. Barry has been looking at trucks on youtube and also the Ken Abram website this morning. Barry went to the Lifestyle Centre in Winsford to the sports yesterday too. Barry says: "it was very good, I played some games but the red team beat us, we were the blue team. I enjoyed it anyway, I liked throwing the balls inside the hoops into the centre. We went into the Works bookshop too in Winsford and I bought a DVD and a book on Concorde, it was a box set, it looks good, I've not watched it yet but I'm looking forward to it."

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