
Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Name for Our Blog!!!

Our Blog used to be just the Old Fire Station Blog but we're not the only ones who are going to be posting; from now on Firdale, Meadowbank Lodge, Frodsham Community Day Services and Dane Walk will all be posting their news and views too. We can all see what our friends are up to and keep in touch so it's really good that we'll all be on line.
Today at the Advocacy meeting after Wilf's Drop In with the help of Marion Murdoch we all voted on the best suggestions for our new Blog name. It cost 20p to enter and we all voted to narrow it down to the best 10, which were:

Intelligent Information by Derek Powell from the Old Fire Station
Changing Views by Christina Casson from Firdale
Out and About with West Cheshire by James Coleman Smith from Frodsham
All United by Emma Calvert from the Old Fire Station
Our Blog by Sue Taylor from the Old Fire Station
Friends Together by Wendy Angles from the Old Fire Station
The Partnership Blog by Neil Dyson from the Old Fire Station
West Cheshire Blog by Tim Hughes from Firdale
TheChain by Katherine Hodkinson from the Old Fire Station
and Five Stars Blog by Sue Wilkinson who works at the Old Fire Station (but she had some help with that!)
We all voted to narrow it down to the three we liked best and Out and About with West Cheshire was the one that got the most votes making James the winner! His prize was £10 which he's going to enjoy spending and he was very pleased to be the winner - well done James and thanks to everyone who put in their suggestions - we thought they were all very good.

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