
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More news from the Old Fire Station

Next up is Karen Morrey who has just helped us do a dvd clip for Helen talking about the Blog – famous again! “On Friday I went out to Northwich with my mum shopping and saw Jackie at the library and Phillip in the charity shop. We didn’t get any bargains and I had to go to the dentist but it was ok and then we went to the Anderton for a nice drink. I had a drinking chocolate and give it 20 out of 10 so give a try! Next week my friend Katy Preston is coming to see me at my house, she works at the council too and is going bob by to say hello and for a cuppa, I’m looking forward to it. And my Dad is going to be 70 in May, I’m looking forward to the party. In the news there’s been lots of trouble in Japan, earthquakes and flooding and I’m thinking about everybody there, its sad.”

Anthony O'Sullivan has also been watching the tragedy in Japan on the news and feels sorry for "all the children, they need help, they need love and houses built again for them. I didn't watch the Man U game, I like Liverpool, I wanted United to lose as I'm a scouser!"

Jamie Walker has been a parrot all morning, copying what I've said. What Jamie has to say today is: "everyone is being a pest except me!" Jamie also helped with Helen's DVD shouting "Hello we're the Blog group!"
Derek Powell is next and has been very patient as always admist the chaos that is the blog group! Derek says: " My niece had a birthday party on Saturday, she was thirteen and her name is Abbey. We really enjoyed it, my sister bought a chocolate cake which was nice. We went into town on Saturday afternoon to get all the shopping, to Sainsburys, I helped carry it all, there was two bags full. I've watched a lots of films recently on TV, we had a DVD of Love Story which was really good. "

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