
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello from the Thai Chi Group!

Its a quick hello from the tai chi group today as they're just about to set off.

Anthony O'Sullivan has been a real gent today, helping bring in chairs and keeping the peace! "I had a good weekend at my brother's house, he's alright, we had a walk up to Castle, it was nice, the new Tesco up there."

Sue Taylor has a beautiful new necklace on this morning, pink white and cream: "my mum gave it to me, it's really nice, we went shopping in Northwich in the charity shops."

Annie Hodkinson has mastered the door entry phone at Firdale and helped everyone with it again on Monday: "I did enjoy aquafit on Monday, I did all my exercises in the water, the music was nice - she played a bit of Abba, dancing queen, it was good. I'm looking forward to tai chi".
Derek Powell is in the picture too, though he's not dashing off for tai chi. "I enjoyed the coffee morning last week at Dane Walk on Friday, we went across. They were selling coffee and bisuits and cakes and doing drawings and making flags for Dignity Day. They did different pictures and a big banner, some of it was green. I had a chat with Tim who fixes things, and Janet and some other staff there. I had cup of coffee and a biscuit , they were nice."

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