
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Barry's Post

Barry has just had a look at two new lorry websites today - - he says: "it's very good. There are pictures of Volvo and DAF lorries. I like their red and white livery."
The other one was Barry says; "their fleet has Fodens, DAF, Volvo, ERF and Man lorries in it. My favourite is the Foden because I'm part of that family. They are the best, of course they are! I like the website."

Karen's post

Karen has been fantastically helpful today taking photos, and having her photo taken by our Chester head office photographer Andrew whilst she was taking someone else's picture!

Karen has brought in a photo for us today from when her mum used to work many years ago at Silverdale Special School.

Karen says: "She looked after the boys there, she was head house mother and she enjoyed it very much. She helped keep the boys clean and changed them when they needed it. She sometimes used a hoist to lift them up. She's very kind so I think she was very good at her job. She also worked at Hartford Tennis Club looking after the children there and helping teach them.

I'm proud of my mum and my dad too. Dad used to play cricket years ago and he used to win a lot and won a medal. He won at golf too and he works at mid Cheshire College. This photo shows me and my mum and dad and two of our friends from Hartford when we were all on a cruise last year. "

Derek's post

Today Derek is typing his own post, so over to you Derek!

I went to my niece's wedding on Saturday and had a good time and the buffet was nice too!

Ian's post

Today we have special guest Mr Ian Billington, who's usually busy walking up to the gym but the session was rained off today. Ian says: "I've been looking up Old Liverpool at the library on Fridays, I've enjoyed it. I like looking at the recordings of the old days, the old buses and trams and bikes and the tram lines. "

Rae and Phillip's post

Rae says:" I've been to the Penny Black this morning, we didn't go the the gym as there weren't many of us today and it was raining. I had a cappucino and some crisps, they were nice. This afternoon I'm going to get a paper. Yesterday I went to Chester and had a jacket potato with lettuce cucumber and tomato, very healthy, and a cup of coffee. It was in the market cafe, I like it there. I got a Sun and the Radio Times too. My favourite programme on TV is Columbo with Peter Faulk because he is clever and always gets them in the end."

Phillip says: "I was going to try cycling today at Marbury but the weather was too grim so I'm going to try again next week and hope it's not raining. Instead we went to McDonalds for a drink and I had a diet coke - more healthy than coke. For my lunch today I had ham sandwiches and crisps and some pop and a biscuit too, it was very nice!"


I enjoyed my aquafit on Tuesday as we did lots of exercises to some new salsa music and then had a swim.

I had my photo taken typing by someone from head office so will soon be famous!

Friday, March 25, 2011

red nose day


Dane Walk service-users and staff all joined in the spirit of red nose day, everyone wore something red. At the coffee morning we had home-made cakes and lots of prizes were won on the red raffle. We raised a total of: £146.68. Thanks everyone who came and supported us.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phillip and Rae's post

Phillip and Rae are just back from working hard at the gym.

Phillip says: "I watched Eastenders last night on TV, it was very good, it's my favourite programme, I like all the stories and characters."

Rae says: " I went to pictures in Crewe yesterday and I saw a film about a slug - it went looking for water with people of the town, the snake came and said he wasn't what he seems and he left and Clint Eastwood was in it as an old man, a cowboy. It was a good film.

I had lunch at a cafe, I had a cucumber and tomato batch it was nice. I bought a paper and a radio times and looked in a guitar shop too. I've got a guitar already but wanted to see what they had. I also bought a video of Radio Caroline, I'm looking forward to watching it."

Richard's post

Last Friday I went to learndirect and I started a typing course and had my photo taken at the computer. I helped with downloading the photo from camera to computer and it is great!

More news from the Old Fire Station Blog Team

We've just lost the Tai Chi group over to the memorial Hall so its a bit quieter now and we can move round again rather than being crammed in! It's nice having lots of people with lots of news to tell though.

Talking of the Memorial Hall yesterday some of our guys manned a stand all about our day services at the Big Drop In, where people could go for advice and information about pretty much anything. They said they had a good day and worked really hard to put up a nice display. So many thanks to Pete, Jody, Karen, Jill and Helen who were there most of the day.

So more news - next up we have Jane Cook who is with us today but looking forward to having a taster day at Firdale tomorrow. She's hoping its a baking session tomorrow as she likes cake! Any kind of cake! She's in the picture below with her keyworker Denise.

Tracy Radcliffe is also back in the Blog group after being away for a while, its lovely to have her back! Tracy has been helping with Jane's cup and tidying up this morning. She says: "I was at Winsford yesterday, I had chicken soup and a bread roll and butter in the Humble Pie Cafe for lunch, and a diet pepsi, it was lovely and I would recommend it if you're in Winsford. We looked around the shops too but I didn't buy anything. We went to the sports session in the Lifestyle centre and joined in there playing the games with balls and hoops. It was good fun and helps keep us fit so its good."

Kathryn Frazer is next and she's never been on the Blog before, so it's lovely to have her here. She's pictured below with Barry and Tracy in a lovely green jumper. Kathryn says: "I've enjoyed being in the Blog group, it's fun! I like it when Jamie is silly and I like Jane's shoes! This afternoon I'm going to Anita's Nails to have my nails done. I like it there, I enjoy it, the best bit is the nice ladies there, Anita and Carol are lovely."

Barry Williams has been very very patient today waiting for his turn, and is looking very smart too. Barry has been looking at trucks on youtube and also the Ken Abram website this morning. Barry went to the Lifestyle Centre in Winsford to the sports yesterday too. Barry says: "it was very good, I played some games but the red team beat us, we were the blue team. I enjoyed it anyway, I liked throwing the balls inside the hoops into the centre. We went into the Works bookshop too in Winsford and I bought a DVD and a book on Concorde, it was a box set, it looks good, I've not watched it yet but I'm looking forward to it."

Hello from a Sunny Old Fire Station!

It's extra busy in here today as we have the biggest Blog group ever, standing room only, and I've already had to get under the table to be able to take a photo! Anyway, we're going to start with the tai chi group news as they're off in a minute - so here goes!

Sue Taylor is looking lovely today in lilac and is very smily, she says she likes the sunshine. Yesterday she went to Winsford to the Dingle Centre for lunch, it was steak pie and syrup sponge for afters and she gives it "10 out of 10, it was nice". She says the staff are all lovely and friendly and recomends it to everyone.

Annie Hodkinson says: "I went to the Dingle Centre too and enjoyed it very much, the steak pie was especially nice, I enjoyed that! On Monday we were too late for aqaufit so we had a good long walk into town and then had a walk round Roker Park in the sunshine, we had our sandwiches there too. The staff have got it looking nice for the spring. We saw Simon there having his lunch."

Jamie Walker is looking good in his Bobby Moore football shirt today. Jamie says he likes playing football on Fridays, and agrees it'll be nice if it's still this sunny on Friday. We asked him if he was the best on the team and he said; "I am!"

Anthony O'Sullivan is next and he says: "I took my two dogs for a walk last night, they were good. We went to the park near the big road, it was nice weather, sunny. I've got work tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it, I like work, cleaning the scooters for people."

Derek Powell is having a peaceful morning with us here and not going to tai chi - he says: "I went to Warrington at the weekend and found some bargain jigsaws in the charity shops, I like doing them at the library on the computer too. I like ones with pictures of people on the best. We went to the market cafe for dinner and I had a nice snack, it's worth a look in if you're in Warrington."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rae and Phillip's post

Rae 's just been to Charlie's cafe today as the gym group was called off - he says "I had coffee and toast, it was alright, I liked it. Glynis and Jill from our place are in hospital, I hope they get better soon. Yesterday I went to Warrington with Chris, it was alright, I had a full english breakfast, egg, sausage, beans and toast - it was from the market cafe, it was nice, I got a newspaper and the Radio Times too. I'm going to see Joan on Saturday, that's my sister, I'm looking forward to it."

Phillip Nield also went to Charlie's today; "I had milky coffee, it was nice, I'd recommend it. We had a change from the gym today which was good. We went for a good walk too, but we'll be back at the gym next week. I had a nice weekend, chilled out. This afternoon I'm going into town as usual with Charlie to spend my money!"

Rchard's post

There's changes coming up that are very exciting - I'm starting at Learn Direct onFriday which I'm really looking forward to. There's a chance our newsletter might become a business which I'll be involved in. And it's my review on Friday too so watch this space!!!!!

More news from the Old Fire Station

Next up is Karen Morrey who has just helped us do a dvd clip for Helen talking about the Blog – famous again! “On Friday I went out to Northwich with my mum shopping and saw Jackie at the library and Phillip in the charity shop. We didn’t get any bargains and I had to go to the dentist but it was ok and then we went to the Anderton for a nice drink. I had a drinking chocolate and give it 20 out of 10 so give a try! Next week my friend Katy Preston is coming to see me at my house, she works at the council too and is going bob by to say hello and for a cuppa, I’m looking forward to it. And my Dad is going to be 70 in May, I’m looking forward to the party. In the news there’s been lots of trouble in Japan, earthquakes and flooding and I’m thinking about everybody there, its sad.”

Anthony O'Sullivan has also been watching the tragedy in Japan on the news and feels sorry for "all the children, they need help, they need love and houses built again for them. I didn't watch the Man U game, I like Liverpool, I wanted United to lose as I'm a scouser!"

Jamie Walker has been a parrot all morning, copying what I've said. What Jamie has to say today is: "everyone is being a pest except me!" Jamie also helped with Helen's DVD shouting "Hello we're the Blog group!"
Derek Powell is next and has been very patient as always admist the chaos that is the blog group! Derek says: " My niece had a birthday party on Saturday, she was thirteen and her name is Abbey. We really enjoyed it, my sister bought a chocolate cake which was nice. We went into town on Saturday afternoon to get all the shopping, to Sainsburys, I helped carry it all, there was two bags full. I've watched a lots of films recently on TV, we had a DVD of Love Story which was really good. "

News from the Old Fire Station

We have a special celebrity guest today, our very own Charlie Royle, who's usually out biking but is having a day off ! He's looking very snappy in his Man United shirt. He watched the game last night He says he enjoyed watching the match where they played Marseille and won 2-1 and it was a relief when Man U won.

Barry Williams has had another look at the Ken Abrams website - "they've got Fodens, Renault, Mercedes and Volvo lorries - the best ones are Fodens because I'm part of that family. My nan and grandad were Fodens and so was mum before she was married. Last week I went to Sandbach and got some badges from the market. Two are Fodens, one is Cummings and a M.A.N trucks one. Cummings is the engine one. Its a really good stall to visit if you want badges."

Annie Hodkinson was looking forward to Helen making a DVD of them all at tai chi but it's off today as the instructor couldn't get a room. It's been a week of changing plans as there was no aquafit instructor on Monday so we had to make up our own exercises in the pool. Annie says: "everyone thought I was wonderful, we had the sausage things (woggles) and did the Hokey cokey and we made up some arm exercises. It was very nice."

Sue Taylor is also having a week off tai chi. She went to the Dingle Centre in Winsford yesterday for lunch, pork steak, mash and veg, and jam sponge. Jackie is most upset she wasn't invited. Sue says it was a good "9 out of 10!"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Name for Our Blog!!!

Our Blog used to be just the Old Fire Station Blog but we're not the only ones who are going to be posting; from now on Firdale, Meadowbank Lodge, Frodsham Community Day Services and Dane Walk will all be posting their news and views too. We can all see what our friends are up to and keep in touch so it's really good that we'll all be on line.
Today at the Advocacy meeting after Wilf's Drop In with the help of Marion Murdoch we all voted on the best suggestions for our new Blog name. It cost 20p to enter and we all voted to narrow it down to the best 10, which were:

Intelligent Information by Derek Powell from the Old Fire Station
Changing Views by Christina Casson from Firdale
Out and About with West Cheshire by James Coleman Smith from Frodsham
All United by Emma Calvert from the Old Fire Station
Our Blog by Sue Taylor from the Old Fire Station
Friends Together by Wendy Angles from the Old Fire Station
The Partnership Blog by Neil Dyson from the Old Fire Station
West Cheshire Blog by Tim Hughes from Firdale
TheChain by Katherine Hodkinson from the Old Fire Station
and Five Stars Blog by Sue Wilkinson who works at the Old Fire Station (but she had some help with that!)
We all voted to narrow it down to the three we liked best and Out and About with West Cheshire was the one that got the most votes making James the winner! His prize was £10 which he's going to enjoy spending and he was very pleased to be the winner - well done James and thanks to everyone who put in their suggestions - we thought they were all very good.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phillip & Rae's post

Today Phillip Nield says: I went to the gym again today, I went on lots of different things and worked really hard. The best thing about coming to the Old Fire Station is going to the gym, going into town, and seeing all the staff. I'm going into town again this afternoon, I like Northwich. I'm going to get some football stickers from the post office, I'm going to see what I get, I'll show you after!"
Rae Williams says; "I went to Chester yesterday and had a nice hot meal, meat, broccolli, potatoes, very healthy! I got a paper and a radio times. We walked all around the wall, not up it but all the way around so we got a healthy walk. I was working off the snacks I had on Monday night!"
Karen Morrey blogged this morning but she's trying to get in as many photos as she can today! She's definetely winning!

Richard's post

On Tuesday I went to aquafit and afterwards I swam all on my own without any woggles.
On Friday I'm going to learn direct to see if they can fit me in for typing lessons to help me get better.

More news from the Old Fire Station

Derek Powell says this morning: "I went shopping in Winsford on Saturday, and went again yesterday to the Dingle Centre for lunch. It was liver, then mince pie and custard, 10 out of 10, I'd recommend it. We went into B&M bargains but didn't see any bargains I'm afraid! I like Winsford though, the shopping centre is good."

Karen Morrey is next up as she's itching to get back to her knitting! She says: "I've got a new office at work now I'm in the Green Space team! The leisure team is moving soon too, that's where I used to work before I was promoted. I found out it was Phil Harding, my boss who nominated me for the Staff Award. Even though I didn't win, it was nice to be nominated. I went to the Dingle centre yesterday too with Derek and I give it 10 out of 10 too!"

Tracy Radcliffe is next and she says:"I have been doing more knitting nancy with Karen and I really enjoy it. I'm making a rug, its nearly as big as a football so far. It's blue and white and pink, all different colours. I've been doing jobs around the house too, filling the dishwasher and cooking, things like pasta."

Barry Williams is up now, pictured here with his new lorry, which is a Foden lorry owned by Ken Abram, and we've had a look at their website; which has some pictures on it, but not his Foden's lorry. We printed off some off the pages and Barry said: "it's very good!"

Hello again from the tai chi group!

First up is Anne Hodkinson who says: "The weather is very nice, nice and sunny, it makes you feel as though you want to go out. I'm looking forward to going out to tai chi, we did a new exercise last week, it was hard but I did well."
Susan Taylor is next, she says: "I like it now it's hot, it feels like Spring. It's nice to wear spring clothes not winter clothes."
Jamie Walker has a very nice Dr Who T shirt today that says on it 'Dr Who, the Monsters are coming'. Its not in this picture as the camera is playing up! He says Dr Who is coming back soon, it's the best programme on tv and the daleks are the best monsters! He's looking forward to tai chi and says he's the best!
Anthony O'Sullivan says:"Liverpool played Man U on Sunday and they won! 3 - 1. Liverpool are a good team. I watched at home on Sky. It's good having Sky. I watched Eastenders too, there was a fight between two women. I like Eastenders!"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My favourite car by Martin Pendlebury

"This is my favourite car of them all, I love them! I like how the wheels are, and the shape of the car, I've got a model one, a proper old rover, I love them! I collect car models and log books too!"

Hi from Stacey at Meadowbank Lodge

stacey says "I'm coming on in leaps and bounds at fat fitness on a Tuesday, I'm getting very fit!
I'm losing weight too, for the JLS boys! I like JLS a lot, my favourite song is That's my girl!" Are there any other JLS fans out there?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More news from the Old Fire Station

Ian Billington has bought in his Bike Trader magazine today and we had a look at - Ian says: "The body armour was good, it helps." Ian was chatting to Chris this morning about what bike he's going to recommend for the newsletter this week: "I'm not sure yet." All will be revealed later! "I had race cars on telly, it was good, worth watching."

Ricky Foster has already posted, he's going be famous on Helen's dvd as she recorded us before she had to dash off!

Barry Williams has bought in his book again, The Pioneers of Heavy Haulage and his Revs News. "It's brand new that one is. Revs News International, I get one every month. it's the register of E.R.F vehicles society and its quite interesting really. There's lots of good things in it I'm a member." We had a look too at - "there's some lorries, including a Jack Richard & Sons one. It was good, I want a look again next week too. I'm hoping to get a new truck soon, today tomorrow of Friday, a Foden's one . I ordered ot out of a catalgoue, it comes from Liverpool. "

Karen Morrey has just nipped in to join us, she's been busy knitting today. Karen says:" the blog is good for teaching people how to us the internet. It's good to watch Jackie typing and doing some work for a change! And even then Ricky does some of that for her!"

Phillip Nield has just joined us too: "I've been upto the allotment today to get the key, we usually go to the gym but we've not been today. I'm going to go into town later after lunch, I'm looking forward to my butties."
Rae Williams says: " I went to Warrington yesterday and had sausage egg and beans on toast for lunch. We walked round and I bought a newspaper and radio times. A famous film star Jane Russell died yesterday."

Hello from the Thai Chi Group!

Its a quick hello from the tai chi group today as they're just about to set off.

Anthony O'Sullivan has been a real gent today, helping bring in chairs and keeping the peace! "I had a good weekend at my brother's house, he's alright, we had a walk up to Castle, it was nice, the new Tesco up there."

Sue Taylor has a beautiful new necklace on this morning, pink white and cream: "my mum gave it to me, it's really nice, we went shopping in Northwich in the charity shops."

Annie Hodkinson has mastered the door entry phone at Firdale and helped everyone with it again on Monday: "I did enjoy aquafit on Monday, I did all my exercises in the water, the music was nice - she played a bit of Abba, dancing queen, it was good. I'm looking forward to tai chi".
Derek Powell is in the picture too, though he's not dashing off for tai chi. "I enjoyed the coffee morning last week at Dane Walk on Friday, we went across. They were selling coffee and bisuits and cakes and doing drawings and making flags for Dignity Day. They did different pictures and a big banner, some of it was green. I had a chat with Tim who fixes things, and Janet and some other staff there. I had cup of coffee and a biscuit , they were nice."

Richard's post

Last Thursday I went to Chester and had a good walk round and a healthy dinner in the market cafe. I had a jacket potato with tuna and salad and would recommend it!
