
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dignity in Care Posts 4 - Rae & Phillip's post

Rae Williams says: "I went to the gym today, and am going to get a gym card next week when I bring some money in. It was alright, I went on the exercise bike and did well. I'm proud to have my photo in the guardian today.
Dignity to me means manners, people should be polite to me and have good manners.

Phillip Nield say's: " I've been to the gym too with Laura and I went on the exercise bike and the treadmill and I worked hard. I'm going in to town this afternoon for a drink as I've earned it!
About dignity, the most important thing to me is people treating me nicely. Sometimes people are rude and thats not very nice. Everyone should be polite, I always am."

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