
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Barry and Rae's post

Barry Williams has brought his book The Pioneers of Heavy Haulage in today, and we had a quick look at the website for Wynns Heavy Haulage which looks really good so we're going to have a proper look next week when there's more time. Barry said: "they're based in Eccleshall in Staffordshire and I like their heavy haulage wagons, the Scammells are the best. The book is good, there's all sorts in it. I'm on a diet, trying to eat Weight Watchers things. Last night I had chicken dumplings and veg, it was chicken hotpot - it was nice. Being on a diet isn't too bad!"

Rae Williams says: "I went to the gym at Moss Farm yesterday with Chris - I had my induction, it was alright. I went on the treadmill and cross trainer and the weights machines - I liked the weights best, the one that goes in and out. Next week I'm going to bring in my white pumps and tracksuit and go to the gym. I went for lunch afterwards and had sausage egg beans and toast at Northwich market cafe, and a cup of tea, I give it twenty out of ten!

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