
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All our news from the Old Fire Station today...

Today, we've got Tracy Radcliffe in with us aswell, so Tracy's up first....

Tracy said: "I went shopping in Winsford last Saturday - I bought a new DS game - the Mario Brothers - its really good but my favourite is Sonic the hedgehog. I've been busy at home all week, doing cleaning, and I cooked tomato soup for Gemma as she was ill. I like cooking, I help out at Wilf's drop in on Thursdays and take everyone's dinners out to them.

Rae Williams says: "Yesterday I went to Warrington and had lunch in a cafe and had beans on toast and met another man called Ray! I bought myself a newspaper and we went into the pub near the bus station for a cup of coffee which was nice. We looked in lots of different shops, I like Warrington, its nice to visit, and my niece lives there."

Barry Williams says: "My new favourite truck company is James. C.C. Ferguson. I have one of their model trucks, I like the colours which are a black cab with a white roof, red chassis and wheel hubs and blue curtain sides. They have pctuires of Highland cattle and bagpipers on the cab sides near the door. I went to Sandbach market last week which was really good, we had lunch down the road and had lunch at the chip shop which I'd recommend. I had pie, chips and gravy and it was lovely."

Derek Powell says: "I went to Tabley near Knutsford at the weekend, to look around the shops. There were lots of charity shops and we found some bargains. There were lots of different shops and its well worth a visit, its nice to try somewhere different for a change. We called at The Smoker pub for a coffee- it was a nice place, I'd go again. We bought some pasties from the cake shop for our lunch - they were lovely! "

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