
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dignity in Care Posts - 2

Back again!
We're also famous today as we're on page 17 of the Northwich Guardian because we're linking our Blog to their website, so we're really excited!

Barry Williams says he feels 'very good' about being in the Guardian today. We've been looking at as Barry is very keen on Wynns Heavy Haulage. He says the website is good as its got history on it about the big lorries, 250 tonnes is about the biggest. The website said Wynns is in the Guiness Book of World Records for the bulkiest and heaviest loads carried at one point. The web and Barry's book shows pictures of the horses and carts they started out with in around 1890. We asked Barry what Dignity means to him - he likes the right to peace and quiet with no-one being nasty or noisy.

Derek Powell says:" this week I went to see Paul at the pictures in Halton. Its about an alien, its a comedy. The best bit was when the alien disappears - he was under the dashboard, it was funny. I also saw a DVD called I shrunk myself about some people shrinking - thats a comedy, it's funny but not as good as Paul.
I feel quite happy about being in the Guardian. Dignity is about being treated with respect, about people being polite to you, and understanding what you say. We should all respect other people and listen to what everybody says."

David Kelsey is usually at College on Wednesdays but is joing us today as its closed for half term. David says: I do cooking at college and really like it. I went to church on Sunday and I liked the singing, but I didn't like the building, it wasn't the right shape. I like to be treated with dignity, people should talk to me without using dirty rude words and swearing, people should be polite and kind. I like having a choice too."

Karen Morrey says she is still trying to find out who nominated her for a New Years Staff Honours award for her work at Wyvern House, but she doesn't know yet - watch this space!
Karen said ' I went to work on Monday and gots lots done including laminating and shredding and went to Winsford on Tuesday for lunch at the Dingle Centre, which was nice - cheese and onion quiche and mash, and rice pudding though I didn't have that bit, I don't like it! I feel happy, confident and bubbly and don't like bullying. Dignity is when no-one bullies anyone and people take the time to find out how I am, and I can change my mind if I'm not in the mood to do something. People shouldn't be horrible to me or anyone else" About being in the Guardian, Karen said: "Its wonderful and people will find it interesting."

Robbie Griffiths says he is having a game of pool today, he's chosen not to go out but to stay in for a bit of peace and quiet!

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