
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Working hard in the community

Hi, my name is Chris Steadman, I go to Meadowbank Lodge Day Centre. The cds group use the community house on Greenfields Estate twice a week and for the past few months I have been working voluntary with the caretaker on the estate, clearing litter up and keeping the estate tidy. The caretakers are really happy with me and they bought me a present to Thank me, a liverpool mug and keyring with my name on I was made up because I love Liverpool FC and i brought the mug and keyring in the centre to show everyone.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dignity in Care Posts 4 - Rae & Phillip's post

Rae Williams says: "I went to the gym today, and am going to get a gym card next week when I bring some money in. It was alright, I went on the exercise bike and did well. I'm proud to have my photo in the guardian today.
Dignity to me means manners, people should be polite to me and have good manners.

Phillip Nield say's: " I've been to the gym too with Laura and I went on the exercise bike and the treadmill and I worked hard. I'm going in to town this afternoon for a drink as I've earned it!
About dignity, the most important thing to me is people treating me nicely. Sometimes people are rude and thats not very nice. Everyone should be polite, I always am."

Dignity in Care Posts 3 - Richard's Post

The most important thing to me about being treated with dignity is having a choice. Ilike people to respect my choice when I choose what to do .

I chose to go to aquafit on Tuesday and I enjoyed it.

I'm pleased to be in the Guardian today.

Dignity in Care Posts - 2

Back again!
We're also famous today as we're on page 17 of the Northwich Guardian because we're linking our Blog to their website, so we're really excited!

Barry Williams says he feels 'very good' about being in the Guardian today. We've been looking at as Barry is very keen on Wynns Heavy Haulage. He says the website is good as its got history on it about the big lorries, 250 tonnes is about the biggest. The website said Wynns is in the Guiness Book of World Records for the bulkiest and heaviest loads carried at one point. The web and Barry's book shows pictures of the horses and carts they started out with in around 1890. We asked Barry what Dignity means to him - he likes the right to peace and quiet with no-one being nasty or noisy.

Derek Powell says:" this week I went to see Paul at the pictures in Halton. Its about an alien, its a comedy. The best bit was when the alien disappears - he was under the dashboard, it was funny. I also saw a DVD called I shrunk myself about some people shrinking - thats a comedy, it's funny but not as good as Paul.
I feel quite happy about being in the Guardian. Dignity is about being treated with respect, about people being polite to you, and understanding what you say. We should all respect other people and listen to what everybody says."

David Kelsey is usually at College on Wednesdays but is joing us today as its closed for half term. David says: I do cooking at college and really like it. I went to church on Sunday and I liked the singing, but I didn't like the building, it wasn't the right shape. I like to be treated with dignity, people should talk to me without using dirty rude words and swearing, people should be polite and kind. I like having a choice too."

Karen Morrey says she is still trying to find out who nominated her for a New Years Staff Honours award for her work at Wyvern House, but she doesn't know yet - watch this space!
Karen said ' I went to work on Monday and gots lots done including laminating and shredding and went to Winsford on Tuesday for lunch at the Dingle Centre, which was nice - cheese and onion quiche and mash, and rice pudding though I didn't have that bit, I don't like it! I feel happy, confident and bubbly and don't like bullying. Dignity is when no-one bullies anyone and people take the time to find out how I am, and I can change my mind if I'm not in the mood to do something. People shouldn't be horrible to me or anyone else" About being in the Guardian, Karen said: "Its wonderful and people will find it interesting."

Robbie Griffiths says he is having a game of pool today, he's chosen not to go out but to stay in for a bit of peace and quiet!

Dignity in Care Posts


Today's post is dedicated to Dignity in Care. Friday 25th February is Dignity Action Day and the aim is to get more people thinking about dignity in care, treating people as individuals and giving them choices.

At Wilf's Drop in tomorrow from 10am people are invited to pop in, wear green, to support Dignity in Care, have a green tea, enjoy a green lunch of pea and ham soup and maybe play stand up bingo.

First up today we have the tai chi group who are about to disappear over to the memorial hall, so we'll get their news and views before they do:

Sue Taylor says she is looking forward very much to tai chi today, and she likes being treated with dignity by people taking the time to find out what she thinks, and listening to her.
Anthony O'Sullivan has been enjoying Eastenders on TV this week, and he likes being treated with dignity by people taking the time to have a chat with him, which he thinks is nice.
Annie Hodkinson says:" I liked doing aqua aerobics this week, I worked very hard, I couldn't do all of it, some of it was hard but I did well at the rest. " Annie says Dignity to her is being given time and not rushed, and she likes people spending time with her.
Jamie Walker says its very important to him to keep fit and he likes being able to choose what he does so he can do things he likes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Phillip's Post

Phillip wants to say: "I've been busy today, out with Chris. I've been to the library and shops this morning and have just made Jackie a cup of tea too!" (((Thank you - it was lovely! - Jackie)))))

Stop press! Updated Drop in Dates for your diary

Denise Hewitt and Chris Bebbington from the Old Fire Station have sorted out lots of great entertainments for the Wilf's Drop In which is every Thursday from 10am at St Wilfrid's Church Hall on Witton Street in Northwich. Anyone is welcome to drop in for a cuppa and a chat, drinks are £1 and people can buy lunches too. Sometimes there's a small charge for the activites just to cover costs. In the afternoon, after 1.15pm we're joined by Marion Murdoch from Mencap who runs an advocacy session for people with learning difficulties and we can all speak up about issues that are important to us.
This is what's coming up......

· 10th Feb - Valentine Disco, buffet and Quiz £2.50
· 17th Feb—Penguins Dance Group performance, plus People in Partnership group in the afternoon
· 24th Feb—Dignity in Action Day - wear something green to support the campaign, have some green tea and a green lunch (pea and ham soup)! Stand up bingo too.
· 3rd March—Indian Culture and food, £2.50 incl lunch
· 10th March—Sing-a-long with Music Man Dan Kelly
· 17th March—song writing workshop, tbc
· 24th March - Healthy Lifestyle Day, part 1
· 31st March - Card Making for Mother's Day
7th April tbc
14th April—Easter Bonnet making, plus People in Partnership Group in the afternoon
· 21st April—Easter Raffle and Easter Bonnet Parade!
28th April - Healthy Lifestyle Day, part 2

contact staff at the Old Fire Station for more info.....

Award Nomination!

Our Blog Team at the Old Fire Station has just been nominated for an award in the New Years Staff Honours as 'Best team' by Denise Garner and Jayne Latham! Denise said it was because we'd all worked so hard setting up the blog. Sadly we didn't make it to the finals but it was nice to be nominated!

Richard's post

Last week at the library I got much faster at jigsaws .This week I'm going to go to see the vision support unit outside m&S on friday to see what they can do for me

Barry and Rae's post

Barry Williams has brought his book The Pioneers of Heavy Haulage in today, and we had a quick look at the website for Wynns Heavy Haulage which looks really good so we're going to have a proper look next week when there's more time. Barry said: "they're based in Eccleshall in Staffordshire and I like their heavy haulage wagons, the Scammells are the best. The book is good, there's all sorts in it. I'm on a diet, trying to eat Weight Watchers things. Last night I had chicken dumplings and veg, it was chicken hotpot - it was nice. Being on a diet isn't too bad!"

Rae Williams says: "I went to the gym at Moss Farm yesterday with Chris - I had my induction, it was alright. I went on the treadmill and cross trainer and the weights machines - I liked the weights best, the one that goes in and out. Next week I'm going to bring in my white pumps and tracksuit and go to the gym. I went for lunch afterwards and had sausage egg beans and toast at Northwich market cafe, and a cup of tea, I give it twenty out of ten!

Hot Gossip for today!

Sue Taylor is first today. She's been out and about in town: "I went to cosy kitchen, it was nice, I had a nice hot chocolate, ten out of ten! "

Annie Hodkinson says: "We had a nice tea last night, crispy pancakes, Leanne cooked them, they were lovely. At aquafit on Monday I worked really hard, it was smashing, the music was lovely, nice music. Me and Elaine answered the phone to Nick when he called after that at Firdale, we said Jackie will be really pleased!" (((( Note from Jackie - I am very proud of you Annie for learning how to work the telephone door entry system at Firdale - well done, bet Nick was pleased too!)))))

Vera Lastoweckyi is pictured here with Jill Duffy, her keyworker. (Barry says: "she's my keyworker too!") Vera says: "I like baking, it's a bit easy, I used to bake with my mum, I can make Ukranian Christmas Cake. Jill says: "I am suprised and delighted and shall enjoy it!"

Derek Powell says: "I've been to Warrington again last weekend, with my sister again, we went round the arcade. Its new and its a good change from what was there. We had cheese baps from the market cafe for dinner, its nice there. The Valenitine's disco at the Drop In last Thursday was good too, some people wore pyjamas but I didn't this time. The food was nice, it was a buffet, my favourite bit was the disco music, Chris played some good songs, lots of people were dancing and I had a dance."

Karen Morrey is pictured here, she says: "I've just been promoted at Wyvern House, Christine Hickson told me at work. I work for the Leisure services for the council, and I was promoted because I've been doing well, I'll now be working with Bernie and Dee for Green Space, I'm looking forward to it, that will be from March. Jackie showed me today the New Years Staff Honours List and I've been nominated for an award as an Unsung Hero. I don't know who did it, I'll ask tomorrow and I'm going to show my mum and dad. I'm not a finalist but I feel happy and excited to be nominated."

Anthony O'Sullivan and Jamie Walker have had to dash off to tai chi, but Anthony says his dog was a bit naughty today, and he likes Superman! Jamie likes Dr Who and we think he should be the next Doctor! They're looking forward to tai chi!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

hello from meadowbank lodge

Hi it`s Martin, Chris and Stacey from Meadowbank Lodge, hope everyone is okay, we are going to start posting soon, so watch this space.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Phillip's news

Phillip Nield says:

"I've been to the gym today, we walked all the way there and back aswell, and I went on the treadmill. I've also had my hair cut yesterday and I've been to town to McDonalds and had a coke. "

Nice nails!

Our beauty group all have glam nails ready for the Valentine's day disco. We went to Anita's nail salon this afternoon and Anita and Carol gave Annie, Kathryn, Suzy, Patsy and Tracy all a lovely manicure and this is the result!

If I won the lottery.....

David Kelsey comes to the Old Fire Station on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and this is what he says he'd do if he won the lottery:
"I'd paint the swing bridge in Frodsham as its always rusty! I'd paint it white as its nice."

Rae's post

Yesterday I went to see The Kings Speech which was around 1925, 1934 and 1939. It was about the queens father who wanted to learn how to speak properly. He had a man learning him, and the man had a wife and two daughters, australian. Colin Firth was the King and Mrs Simpson and also George V who died in 1935 was in it, and Queen Mary too and Churchill. My favourite bit was the bit where the were all on the balcony waving and he spoke to the nation. He was there with his wife and two daughters Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret. I was quiet for a full hour and I enjoyed it, I'd give it 10 out of 10!

Richard's post

Last Thursday I went to Sandbach with Margaret on the bus and we had dinner at the fish and chip shop. I had pie chips and baked beans, I'd give it 10 out of 10!

Even more news!

We didn't all fit onto one post today!

So next up is Annie Hodkinson, who is also having a week off tai chi for a change!

"I went out last Friday to the pictures at Crewe with Mary and Neil and Sarah and Elaine. Elaine said it was brilliant. We saw the Kings Speech, it was funny. The best bit was where someone shot the man, it was really funny. We went out for tea before we went and I had steak and drinking chocolate in a cafe, it was nice. Drinking chocolate is my favourite. On Friday afternoon we went to Viva and I had some there too. "

Anthony Hodkinson is pictured with Annie above.

"I walked my dogs at the weekend - a black and white collie and a labrador called Ben. At breakfast in the morning collie climbed on the table and ate my breakfast! Our Ben is a good lad, he didn't eat my breakfast, he is a nice dog, he licked me and gave me his paw. "

Heather Priestner has also joined us for a minute:

"I'v been feeling a bit sick, I've not been well but I'm feeling better now. I've stayed in bed and rested. I went out with my sister Susan too, to have my hair cut, it feels nice."

Next up is Jamie Walker:

When we took photos this morning, Jamie's photo was labelled 007 - which as Jamie is super cool, just like James Bond, was a lucky chance! Jamie said:"Oh yeah".Jamie played table tennis last week and was a gent and let the ladies win. He said he enjoyed it. Each Tuesday the group alternates tabole tennis and aquafit and Jamie enjoys table tennis most! He's definetely got the moves at aquafit though! We asked Jamie if he was looking forward to Dr Who coming back - "oh yes!" Would you make a good Doctor Who Jamie? "Yes!"

Lots of news today!

Good morning from the Old Fire Station! We've got a very big blog group today as the tai chi group have joined us as there's no tai chi at the memorial hall. So we'd better get started with all our news....

First up is Derek Powell:

"I went to Warrington yesterday for a day out, looking around the shops with my sister. We got some bargains from the charity shops. We had lunch at the market cafe - cheese burger and coffee. It was really nice - 10 out of 10! The market is quite big, its all been changed around and its much better now - I'd recommend it for a day out. There's a new arcade, its all nice and new. On TV I watched Harry Hill on Saturday and the funniest bit was when he was fighting with some women."

Next is Mr Barry Williams:

"I looked on the Royal Mail website today but there were no pictures of lorries on it but we found some on the Big Lorry Blog. I'm getting a new truck soon, a Foden one. I've been to Sandbach market twice recently but didn't find any bargains. We went to the fish and chip shop for lunch and had pie and chips, peas and gravy which was nice. My favourite place to go on the bus is Sandbach, and Crewe too. I missed ice road truckers the last couple of weeks as someone had eastenders on, I'm going to try and catch it Friday."
Next up is Sue Taylor:
"I've had a new haircut this week."
The rest of the Blog group say:"its very very nice, its very smart, its lovely" so thumbs up to Sue for your new look!
Sue said she's looking forward to Tai Chi again next week. She showed us some of her tai chi moves with Pete and Annie at Wilf's Drop in last Thursday where Anne Marie cooked sweet and sour chicken and rice and we had a quiz about the Chinese New Year. Paul told us how to say Happy New Year in Chinese too. Sue said "It was fun."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

richard's post

I enjoyed aquafit this week especially when we did the twist!!
i'm looking forward to going out on the bus again with Margaret tomorrow

All our news from the Old Fire Station today...

Today, we've got Tracy Radcliffe in with us aswell, so Tracy's up first....

Tracy said: "I went shopping in Winsford last Saturday - I bought a new DS game - the Mario Brothers - its really good but my favourite is Sonic the hedgehog. I've been busy at home all week, doing cleaning, and I cooked tomato soup for Gemma as she was ill. I like cooking, I help out at Wilf's drop in on Thursdays and take everyone's dinners out to them.

Rae Williams says: "Yesterday I went to Warrington and had lunch in a cafe and had beans on toast and met another man called Ray! I bought myself a newspaper and we went into the pub near the bus station for a cup of coffee which was nice. We looked in lots of different shops, I like Warrington, its nice to visit, and my niece lives there."

Barry Williams says: "My new favourite truck company is James. C.C. Ferguson. I have one of their model trucks, I like the colours which are a black cab with a white roof, red chassis and wheel hubs and blue curtain sides. They have pctuires of Highland cattle and bagpipers on the cab sides near the door. I went to Sandbach market last week which was really good, we had lunch down the road and had lunch at the chip shop which I'd recommend. I had pie, chips and gravy and it was lovely."

Derek Powell says: "I went to Tabley near Knutsford at the weekend, to look around the shops. There were lots of charity shops and we found some bargains. There were lots of different shops and its well worth a visit, its nice to try somewhere different for a change. We called at The Smoker pub for a coffee- it was a nice place, I'd go again. We bought some pasties from the cake shop for our lunch - they were lovely! "

Cheshire FM Visit and meeting the Cheshire cat!

Last week instead of our usual Blog session we invited some of our friends from Firdale over so we could interview them about their visit the week before to Cheshire FM radio in Winsford.

Staff Hayley Cove and Joan Taylor came over with Amy Bamford, Claire Wilson, Joanne Moore, Tracy Mason, Tim Hughes, Christopher Brown, Wendy Angles and Lorna Edwards and we made them welcome so they could tell us all about it.

Karen Morrey very helpfully took all the notes and worked very hard whilst the Blog group asked lots of questions, and this is what we found out:

The Firdale group hired the Freedom mini bus and Paul Watson drove them all over. They arrived at the Verdin Exchange where they were met by the lovely man in charge, Mike Worthington. They were shown around and said the building was great, and nice and warm too as it was a cold day! They went up in the lift to the Radio Station and were introduced to lots of nice people, including Big Al, the famous DJ! He mentioned them live on air and dedicated a Boyzone song to Firdale as well. They were shown the computers that control all the records being played, and everything else and how some things were taped in advance so even if someone needed the loo they could nip out and not leave the radio silent!

Then, a special guest came in to see them - it was the Cheshire FM mascot, the Cheshire Cat! He was very tall, nearly as tall as our Rae Williams, but not quite! He was too tired to go for a drink with them, so he went home to bed, but back downstairs, in the cafe, Mike bought everyone elsea drink.
Everyone told us what their favourite thing was about the visit: Hayley loved seeing everyone's faces when the Cheshire Cat came through the door and Joan loved looking around the studio and seeing how it was all done. Tracy and Claire's favourite was the Cheshire cat, Amy really enjoyed being out together as a group, Chris anad Wendy and Jo loved the music and Jo was dancing too, and Tim really enjoyed speaking to the DJ about how everything worked and said he really knew his stuff! Lorna liked being out and about.

All in all, everyone said they had a lovely day, and we really enjopyed hearing about it too, thanks guys.
