
Monday, April 4, 2011

Nicola's News

Nicola Daffern and her mum recently gave us an update on their busy social life so here's all their news:
They took Nicola's nieces Daisy (who's 4) and Georgia (who's 3) to see Disney on Ice in Liverpool on Sunday 6th March at the Echo Arena which they all loved.

Then a few days later they saw We will Rock You at the theatre in Manchester. Nicola loved all the Queen songs including We are the Champions and once again they had a great time.

This year Nicola is going away for the first time with Holidays with Help in May so she's really looking forward to that as well.

Nicola and her mum always stay over at Nicola's brother Tim's house near Bolton on Saturday nights. Tim and Amanda are Daisy and Georgia's mum and dad and they all have a lovely meal together on Saturday night and then Nicola and her mum look after the girls on the Sunday morning while Amanda goes for a long run and Tim goes to Church at Great Budworth. The family have hens, ducks, bantams, guninea fowl and quails. Nicola was a bit wary at first but now helps collect the eggs and gets on well with all their feathered friends.

And lastly, Happy Birthday to Nicola for last week as she was 53 - she celebrated with her mum by having a lovely Italian meal.


paul gibson said...

Hi Nicola,

I want to break free is my favourite Queen song, did they sing that one?

Hope it was a good show!
Who was the best singer?

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul, yes they did sing I want to break free, it was very good and it was a good show too. No-one's better than Freddie Mercury! Hope you're OK Paul, love from Nicola Daffern.
