
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter at Meadowbank Lodge!

Yesterday at Meadowbank Lodge everyone came together to celebrate Easter. Clifford is pictured in his bright yellow t shirt looking ready for spring in his Easter straw hat that his mum made for him - it has chicks on and a big duckling and we think he looks fantastic. Clifford said his favourite part of the day was having his photograph taken. He's busy looking up trains now in the IT session.

Also pictured above are David, Janice, Lee and Christian. Christian won the Easter hat competition and looks really good in his red t shirt and his fantastic hat. He's in the IT session with us today and has helped us with all the photos.

We have another David, David Nielson with us in the IT session too today. He says: "Did we have a good time with the easter hats and cornflakes we enjoyed it we did and the chickens and the crow and the easter eggs it was good. When we used to break up at easter later after just at the weekend at time. "

Martin is in the IT session with us as well and has found this fantastic car picture to share with us. He says: "It's my favourite car, I'm into cars, I'm car crazy. I collect log books and car things. I've got all my car things in my bedroom at my new house, it's good living there. I'd like to thank Alan for helping me to move house. I live with Matthew, David and Jason."

Stacey is with us too in IT today, and Stacey says: "This morning I had nice relaxing morning in the reminiscence room looking at pictures from the 90's with Adele, Gill, Carol and Joss. My favourite bit was looking at the pictures of Princess Di, I'm looking forward to the Royal Wedding. This afternoon in IT as well as helping with the Blog, I'm looking up JLS. I love the songs and what they say, it makes me laugh."

Hamish is with us today as well, he has been really busy colouring some amazing pictures and this one is his favourite.

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