
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sporting Success!

We've had lots of people from the Old Fire Station winnning medals recently- here are just some of them...

Emma Calvert is pictured here with Sue Wilkinson, her keyworker with just some of her recent medals. She got 3 gold medals at the Winsford swimming gala on the 2nd of April, for 200m, 100m and 25m breast stroke.

And at the swimming gala in Sunderland she did really well too - gold in 100m breast stroke, gold in the medal relay and in the freestyle relay, silver in the 200m breast stroke and in the 50m freestyle.

Sean Daniels did well too with 5 medals in backstroke, freestyle and men's relay. The Penguins swimming club that Emma and Sean both belong to won all the relays - what a team!

Emma also proved she's a good all rounder at all sports as she won 3 silver medals at table tennis at Crewe - for individual, double and mixed double. Pete Edwards, Kathryn Hodkinson and Sean Daniels all did well there too, thanks to Ann Calvert for the news.

Jodie Bowyer is pictured here with 6 medals as well! 3 are for table tennis at Crewe Leisure Centre on 16th & 17th April. She got 1 silver for singles, and 2 bronzes for ladies doubles and mixed doubles. Jodie said it was the first time she'd ever played - she thought she was going to watch when she went with Ann Calvert and her group, including Emma and Sean. She ended up playing and really enjoyed it though she said it was frustrating when she couldn't hit the ball properly! Her other 3 medals are 2 gold and 1 silver for swimming in the Winsford gala. The golds were for 25m and 50 m freestyle and the silver was for 50m backstroke. Jodie says: "I love swimming, that's were I met my fiance Richard. Its a stress reliever too for me and calms me down and it helps me get over things. I take my mood out on the water and I feel a lot better after. I go faster when I'm in a mood!"

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