
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cinema Success!

Today was the first Big Screen Tuesday at Weaverham Community Centre Cinema, arranged by Gill from Firdale. There was a grand turn out of over 20 from Dane Walk, Firdale and the Old Fire Station and we all had a fantastic time - thanks Gill!

The film today was Toy Story3 and here's what our guys had to say:

Annie says: "it was a nice film actually, I liked the bit where they put the toys in the box!"

Phillip says: "It was alright, it was nice relaxing watching a film."

Pete says: "it was good watching the film, my favourite bit was when they escaped."

Kurt says: "I liked the escape too, it was good."

Sue says: "I give it 9 out of 10, it was good."

Ricky says: "I give it 10 out of 10, I enjoyed it."

Ian says: "I really enjoyed the film, the best bit was where all the toys fell into the crusher."

Derek says: "It was good today, I liked the bit when they all got in the box."

Kevin says: "I've not been in the community centre before, I've only walked past, I liked it."

Karen says: "Today was alright. My favourite film to see would be Dracula!"

Next week's film is Madagascar - arrive at 10.30 for a 10.45 showing if you want to enjoy the film, you can even take a packed lunch for after too. Hope to see you there...

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