
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This week - we recommend.......

Hello again!

We had a week off last week as we had Irene Threlfall come in from Holidays with Help and she showed us lots of fabulous pictures and answered all our questions too - so we'll write that up for our next newsletter. We just sent out a newsletter covering what we were upto in September and October, so if anyone wants a copy let us know at the Old Fire Station!

Anyway, this week, here's what the Blog team have been up to and want to share with everyone.....

Barry Williams, (pictured 4th from left) enjoyed his trip to Winsford last week on the bus. It was an Arriva bus, and the driver was lovely. They went to the fish and chip place in the shopping precinct for lunch, which Barry said was very nice! They went in Asda too and Barry bought a bendy bus which he's very pleased with and has pride of place at home. His visit to Jack Richard's lorry yard is going to be a week on Saturday so watch this space after that for a special report....

Derek Powell (pictured 3rd from left) very much enjoyed lunch at the Dingle Centre last week. Its on the main road in Winsford and serves lunches Tuesday to Fridays at 12pm. It's open to people who are 50 and over, or other groups by arrangement and every week on Tuesdays, a group from the Old Vic goes and joins in. Derek said its a nice place, and we get a nice meal - one week we had a lovely macaroni cheese pie, and jam sponge for dessert. Its very good value too, under £2 and you get a cup of tea. They are lovely people there and always make us feel welcome, so give it a try!

Ricky Foster (pictured far left) had a good time at the Old Fire Station last Friday at our special Halloween Buffet. He enjoyed the hot dog and fries, and Sue Wilkinson's lovely parkin cake. We decorated everywhere with scary spiderwebs and Halloween ghosts and witches and all our friends from Frodsham came over too so it was very nosiy but good fun. Lots of people dressed up as witches, wizards and scary monsters and prizes were given out. There was apple bobbing and lots of Halloween balloons too and after lunch a balloon fight broke out which our Ricky had good fun with. He never stopped smiling and gave as good as he got!

In the evening, Dane Walk organised a Halloween Ball at Castle Private, so all the decorations got sent up there. The balloons didn't last that long though as they all got popped by Paul! Barry and Rae both went aswell as lots of other people. Barry had a scary Frankenstein mask on, and black hair, and Rae was Count Dracula too. Rae won some aftershave in the raffle, and Barry enjoyed a tipple or two!

Rae Williams (pictured far right) went to Chester yesterday with his companion and went to a lovely cafe in the market for lunch, and had a very healthy baked potato and beans. He bought a Merseybeat CD which he said is good, he would recommend it. He would also recommend Chester market which is where he got it from, as it was very good value.

And lastly, Jackie (pictured 2nd from right, at the back) would recommend aquafit for keeping fit. Yesterday I did the deep end class and am very very tired today!

More next week, Bye for now from The Blog Team

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