
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This week - we recommend.......

Firstly - a big Happy Birthday to Karen Morrey who is 42 today! Rae reckons she doesn't look it! Karen's mum and dad bought her a Doctor Who DVD and she also had some sweets (lots!) and some pens and a Doctor Who calendar so she'll be weel organised next year!
Karen recommends giving paintball a try! She's just picked up a leaflet from a stand in amogst the shops....

Ricky Foster recommends giving swimming a try! He's been working really hard at Moss Farm baths every Friday and is coming on a treat with his front crawl and has a kick that would do an England footballer credit! He's really enjoyed it....

Derek Powell would like to recommend watching Family Fortunes on TV - he likes trying to guess what the answers are going to be so look out for it!

Barry Williams recommends giving your local library a try - Barry goes to Northwich library every Tuesday as he loves reading and getting out lots of different books, especially ones on trucks! And he'd love to read about anything to do with Jack Richards and Son but hasn't found them in any books yet...

Rae Williams would like to recommend getting out and about in this lovely autumn sunshine. He walked into Northwich yesterday and had a lovely lunch at the Cosy Kitchen - cabbage, potatoes, carrots and pie! After that he had a wander round all our lovely Northwich shops....

Thats all for this week folks. Next week there may or may not be a post as we've got Irene Threlfall from Holidays with Help coming in to give us an exclusive interview, which will be up the week after if not before so watch this space....

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