
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This week - we recommend......

This week, we're shortstaffed at the Old Fire Station, so we've got lots of guest contributors to tell us what they've been upto....

Tracy Radcliffe has been to Grozone this week and was cutting the salad crops and tidying up the beds and did a really good job. She thinks people should give it a go as they'd really enjoy it.....
Chris Bebbington, who is a support worker also enjoyed this this weekend, and they all met Mark Radcliffe, Radio 2 DJ , who was there too. And they'll also be on TV on Wednesday 24th on the People's Millions slot on ITV Granada Evening News - make sure you all watch it, and vote for the funding for the project as its very worthwhile!
Jane Cook has been keeping up with the news and says the big celebrity news this week is about Prince William marrying Kate Middleton - she says watch the news next year for baby news from them too!

Denise Garner who is the manager at the Old Fire Station recommended visiting the Blitz Museum in Telfords - she says they change all your money into old victorian coins, and you get to go shopping there in old money!
Dean Lord says he's been to the dentist, and would NOT recommend this! But he's getting sorted out so its all OK really!

More in a minute!

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