
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This week - we recommend....

This week we've just been showing our Blog to our new member of staff, Jo, who's come over from Meadowbank Lodge to help out here at The Old Fire Station, so welcome Jo!

We've also been looking at our online statistics to see who's had a look at what we've posted and we're very impressed that lots of people from overseas have been taking a look....

Now we're down to business, here's Rae with his recommendation for today...

Rae went to Crewe yesterday morning and had lovely fish and chips which he would definetely recommend! He then went to the cinema to see Due Date, starring Robert Downey Junior and Zach Galifianakis. It was an action film, funny in bits, with a good car chase and very good all round. Robert played a father trying to get back across country in time for his baby's birth - Rae said the acting was very good and he won't spoil the ending but it was a happy one!

Barry Williams would like to recommend getting your Christams shopping done early! He's going a week on Saturday to Chester with Calvin Tag and he's looking forward to it a lot. Also this Friday he is getting a new Jack Richards truck which is a bit expensive but he thinks it will be worth every penny! He is also getting two brand new trucks at Christmas, a James CC Ferguson and a Dyce Carriers one!

Derek Powell has been shopping this week already, and recommends B&M in Winsford where they had a Christmassy atmosphere already with a snowy train scene set up - he said it was good and its well worth a look, aswell as bargains to be had there too.

Ricky Foster is helping out with typing today, so now over to Ricky...
i've been enjoying swimming again and hardly have to put my feet down at all now!!!!!!!

More next week - we promise some good pics too now we've got our new camera up and running!
Bye for now

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