
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Moscow State Circus by Nicky Daffurn

I went to see The Moscow State Circus at Tatton Park recently with my mum and it was great!

There was a man on a bike and a clown and they were funny and there was a chair up on a hook very high and a man climbed up - he got the chair down, it was very clever. I liked the ladies swinging on the trapeze, they were great, very graceful, like they were flying. Some people were skipping with ropes, they made it look easy. Some people were somersaulting, twisting and turning over - I would recommend it to anyone to go and watch, it was really good.

I also went recently to a Friends of Great Budworth Church quiz evening. The other people in my team were amazed how I could answer all the questions about old tv programmes which none of them could remember, and on Strictly Come Dancing too. Mum said I definetely earned my hot pot supper and a glass of wine!

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