
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fantastic Drama Group

Neil Dyson interviewed Anthony Hulme and Jan Curran from the Drama Group that meets on Wednesdays at the OFS. He arranged the interview himself and did all the hard work so we're all very impressed with him at Chatterbox5. This is what the drama group had to say:

We did a performance of our play 'Faces' in December for the Annual General Meeting of Independent Advocacy in Northwich. The performance took place at St Wilfred's Church Hall. We like to make up our own performances by improvising and we hope to do a performance in Crewe in the spring. We are working on some new ideas including Laurel and Hardy and working with puppets too. We like to use the actors own ideas and we rehearse at the Old Fire Station every Wednesday evening. We are looking for a few new members who are interested in drama and can travel independently and make a regular commitment to attend. If you are interested please call Jan Curran 07526463388.

Anthony also told us about the People's Parliament:

The People's Parliament is for people with learning disablities. We we trying to help people with social care and trying to get people to join together to write to mp's and put our questions to the prime minister in Downing Street in London - if you are interested, get in touch.

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