
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Men versus Women!

We had a battle of the sexes today in the Blog group and we all shared our pet hates about the opposite sex!
Our men in the group said that sometimes women shop too much, natter and nag too much, can be moody, like boring things like clothes and make up, and can be bossy and hard to please!
We ladies said that sometimes men are bossy and hard to please too! And sometimes men can be grumpy and don't clean up and sometimes they can be scruffy and not have a shave. And they talk too much about football and cars!
This isn't everyone of course. To end on a positive note, we ladies said the things we like about men include when they get dressed up smartly and wear aftershave and smell nice, and when they are gentlemen and treat us nicely and have good manners. Men are strong too, and help us carry things, and they are very handsome.
The men then said that we ladies are good company and we are friendly and kind and look after people and we are beautiful!
Aaaaaaah! It's nice to be appreciated and we all agreed that we're all different and we all have our good points aswell as our bad points!

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