
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Even more news!

We didn't all fit onto one post today!

So next up is Annie Hodkinson, who is also having a week off tai chi for a change!

"I went out last Friday to the pictures at Crewe with Mary and Neil and Sarah and Elaine. Elaine said it was brilliant. We saw the Kings Speech, it was funny. The best bit was where someone shot the man, it was really funny. We went out for tea before we went and I had steak and drinking chocolate in a cafe, it was nice. Drinking chocolate is my favourite. On Friday afternoon we went to Viva and I had some there too. "

Anthony Hodkinson is pictured with Annie above.

"I walked my dogs at the weekend - a black and white collie and a labrador called Ben. At breakfast in the morning collie climbed on the table and ate my breakfast! Our Ben is a good lad, he didn't eat my breakfast, he is a nice dog, he licked me and gave me his paw. "

Heather Priestner has also joined us for a minute:

"I'v been feeling a bit sick, I've not been well but I'm feeling better now. I've stayed in bed and rested. I went out with my sister Susan too, to have my hair cut, it feels nice."

Next up is Jamie Walker:

When we took photos this morning, Jamie's photo was labelled 007 - which as Jamie is super cool, just like James Bond, was a lucky chance! Jamie said:"Oh yeah".Jamie played table tennis last week and was a gent and let the ladies win. He said he enjoyed it. Each Tuesday the group alternates tabole tennis and aquafit and Jamie enjoys table tennis most! He's definetely got the moves at aquafit though! We asked Jamie if he was looking forward to Dr Who coming back - "oh yes!" Would you make a good Doctor Who Jamie? "Yes!"

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