
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dignity in Care Posts


Today's post is dedicated to Dignity in Care. Friday 25th February is Dignity Action Day and the aim is to get more people thinking about dignity in care, treating people as individuals and giving them choices.

At Wilf's Drop in tomorrow from 10am people are invited to pop in, wear green, to support Dignity in Care, have a green tea, enjoy a green lunch of pea and ham soup and maybe play stand up bingo.

First up today we have the tai chi group who are about to disappear over to the memorial hall, so we'll get their news and views before they do:

Sue Taylor says she is looking forward very much to tai chi today, and she likes being treated with dignity by people taking the time to find out what she thinks, and listening to her.
Anthony O'Sullivan has been enjoying Eastenders on TV this week, and he likes being treated with dignity by people taking the time to have a chat with him, which he thinks is nice.
Annie Hodkinson says:" I liked doing aqua aerobics this week, I worked very hard, I couldn't do all of it, some of it was hard but I did well at the rest. " Annie says Dignity to her is being given time and not rushed, and she likes people spending time with her.
Jamie Walker says its very important to him to keep fit and he likes being able to choose what he does so he can do things he likes.

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