
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

All about me - by Sue

i want to be abie to get a job
i would like in an office work
and i hope i have passed my  reading  to work  course

i started at hartford hill school i was
four learn how to like when i have
was about fire years old in northwich
i am going on the council a castle i help with 
pat and janis mayy whalley on a on a friday
i also help by washing up and
the beds at weeked

i like footfall and i and a member at
witton abion
i went to go out at gateway club laslast week
on a twohour flight a plane
do all my own housework I used to help my mum my sister kath for week

I like making rugs and i like round britton
i also like making cakes and i like sunday lunch.

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