
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nicky's news

Wedaseday  aust 1st 2012
We watched football last night   england 1 brazil  0.   swimers   veeey good too. And Tom Daly didnt get a medal what a shame.
I helped  mum put out the recycling box and balck bin  in  the gardon and made som  cakes .
 I am  going  on holday on 16th aust  and going to take my mum for coffee  at end of aust.  we are have a bank  holday on  monday  29th. I like the Olympics, swimers  is     good  and  horses  did  well and I liked the flames on the  open  night.  verey   good  today  thak  you  it is  good.
We went  to the  meetig  last  night  about staying healthy with  debbie  magee  and had samwich cup of tea  and  mum had some pork pie  and samwiches  and fruit salad   and cup of  coffee.
  by Nicola Daffurn

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