
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

News from Chatterbox 5!

We've been very very busy these last few weeks! We've moved our Blog group to Firdale and we've now got some new members too. Every Wednesday morning, we have Barry (see picture, black t-shirt), Jean (see picture, red jumper), Karen (see picture, pink stripy top) plus Ricky, Derek, Neil and Tim, and in the afternoons Sue and Nicky join us too.

The photos show Vicky's rabbit Jaffa who is only five and a half months old. She bought him in to show everyone - he was very cute and everyone enjoyed meeting him.

We're now called Ch@tterbox5 as we are all about getting our messages across and getting everyone talking together in our 5 day centres. Last week we started work on our profile sheets for our notice board so everyone knows who's in the team. The week before we picked our name and started clearing all the notice boards and this week we've been typing up our profile sheets and making posters for when the Old Fire Station opens on the Thundersprint weekend. We're serving up bacon and sausage batches, hot and cold drinks, face painting, being an helmet and leather drop and having a plant stall so we're going to be very busy then too! Karen has been doing lots of laminating for us and Barry has been pinning everything up for us and have been a great help!

Next week we'll take a group photo and one of our lovely notice boards too. We've also been asked to do some easy-read minutes for meetings so that veryone can understand them, and make a directory of things going on in the community for all our centres to use. Watch this space!

Anyway, enough of that, here's what Barry, Karen and Jean have to say...

Barry says; "It was my birthday last Saturday and I went out to the motorway cafe at Knutsford Services to see all the trucks. I had my photo taken beside lots of trucks, my favourite was a DAF one and there was a DAF tanker and a MAN one too. I saw Royal Mail, Eddie Stobart, Jack Richards and Saints trucks on the motorway. I had steak and kidney pie, chips, peas, gravy and a muffin for a treat. It was a good birthday . I am 63 now."

Jean says; "I moved to a downstairs bedroom in our house last weekend, it's really nice, it's much better not having to go up and down stairs. I watched the Royal Wedding on TV and went next door for a party after, the buffet was lovely and we had takeaway later too - chicken and pineapple."

Karen says: "On 23rd May its my Dad's birthday and he'll be 70 so we're having a big party in the Mill Pool for him, with 15 people invited. I'm having my nails done at Anita's specially for it and I'm really looking forward to it. Last weekend I watched all of the Royal Wedding on TV, the kiss was the best bit, when she kissed him twice, and the car, and her dress was gorgeous!"

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