
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

kevin's news

i went swimming today and i liked it .

i like watching inspector frost on tv

peter''s news

i'm looking forward to the gym and the weight machines .

Richard's post

I did aquafit today and it was hard work with the woggle but the music was good!

neil's news

i'm looking forward to tomorrow as i go to the gym on wednesdays. i go with chris and i work very hard i like the treadmill best

kurt's news

it's my birthday soon and i can't wait. we're all going out to see jls at the cinema. mum and dad are coming too

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Richard's post

This morning I went to aquafit and I liked the music . I'm ready for home now!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


All morning we've been driven mad by the lovely smell of cakes wafting from the Firdale kitchen. Sue, Nicky, Liz, Paul, Christine, Ged and Hazel were with Gill and were busy making cakes to sell at Wilf's Drop in tomorrow.

They look fantastic, well done guys!

50 Pints of blood!

Mary Whalley from Firdale has recently been awarded a certificate for giving blood for the 50th time. She started about 35 years ago and has been going once or twice a year ever since at Weaverham. She took her grandaughter Megan (aged 11) for her 50th time on Easter Saturday. Megan was so busy telling everyone proudly about her Nanna that Mary got a big round of applause as well as a golden badge and pen.
Mary said she's 58 and it's done her no harm at all so she'd like to say to everyone; "give it a go, it saves lives and it doesn't hurt much!" "And a big thankyou to Megan for coming with me."

Chatterbox5 News

Today we've had a new member join the team, so welcome to Jason!

We've had Debby Magee who works for the Partnership Board come to talk to us about us making some easy read minutes for them and we've all managed to put a Blog post on as well, despite not having all our computers set up yet, so phew, we have been busy!

It was lovely of Debby to come over and meet us and she's coming back in a few weeks to see how we've got on with our first set of minutes after the Partnership Board meeting this Friday.

We're having a day off next Wednesday as it's the staff planning day so more news in a fortnight!

Jean's news

I'm going to Disneyland soon and I'm excited

Hello from Barry


Hi from Neil

Today we met Debbie Magee, to talk about our plans. A good day.

Hello From Jason

Today I joined the Chatterbox5 communication group for the first time and I like it !

Timothy's favourite music







Derek's post

On Saturday I watched the Thundersprint and it was very good.

Nicky's post

Today I've been listening to Rolf Harris and Rod Stewart and I would recommend them.

Ricky's post

On Monday we went out on the bus for lunch at the pub then for a coffee at the garden centre.

Sue's news

I've been busy baking cakes this morning for the drop in tomorrow.

Karen's Easter news

I went to the mill pool for sunday lunch at easter with family and friends very good I would recommend it there is good access for wheel chairs.

Thundersprint Success!!

Staff and friends of the Old Fire Station opened up the building last weekend for the Thundersprint and managed to raise over £400 for our funds. We had a helmet drop, a plant stall and bacon and sausage butties as well as hot and cold drinks. Connections Church raised £40 of the total with their wonderful face painting too. All in all it was a very popular day with the bikers and all the spectators and everyone had a good time!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hello from Gareth!

"I'm at Learn Direct and I've been looking up Johnny Cash today. I'd like to say hello to Margaret at the Old Fire Station. I like being at Castle Park, I like all the activities. I like going swimming and bowling. I'm going to start bike riding on Wednesdays now instead of bowling, I'm looking forward to it. I like picnics as well. I hope the rain stops soon as I'm walking home today.

Hello from James

James has been looking at the Blue Peter website at Learn Direct today. He says: "Mabel the Blue Peter dog died, I don't know how old she was, it's sad. Blue Peter are moving up to Manchester in the North West at Salford Quays very soon. Thats in next year, 2012 I think. I'd like to go and see the filming and maybe get a badge then too. I'd like to say Hello to Nicky at Firdale, hope you're well."

Paul's post

Paul is also at Lean Direct and working hard. Paul says: "I am a Liverpool supporter. I support Widnes Vikings Rugby team too. I hope Liverpool win tonight. I'm going to watch SKy sports tonight. At Learn Direct I was looking at the Sky sports website. I also like Norwich City and they were promoted to the Premier League. I like Radio 1 too and my favourite DJ is Fearne Cotton and I like Scott Mills too. I'd like to say Hello to Anne Marie at the Old Fire Station and Hi to David Kelsey and I hope I see you on Holiday soon and good luck to Liverpool tonight, I'll be cheering!

Hello from Learn Direct at Frodsham

Rosie and Paula have asked us to say hello to everyone for them, they're off shopping this afternoon after a lovely morning making cards at the craft group

Janet is at Leanr Direct and she says: "I've been to Boots this morning , I helped Kathy put the hair colours and shower gels on the shelves for the customers, and I also cleaned the make up stand and the counter. I enjoy working at Boots a lot because all my friends are there, I'd like to say a big hello to Jean, who's on holiday, Bev, Sue, Kath, Julie and Ian the pharmacists, Andy the boss and everyone else that works there."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

News from Chatterbox 5!

We've been very very busy these last few weeks! We've moved our Blog group to Firdale and we've now got some new members too. Every Wednesday morning, we have Barry (see picture, black t-shirt), Jean (see picture, red jumper), Karen (see picture, pink stripy top) plus Ricky, Derek, Neil and Tim, and in the afternoons Sue and Nicky join us too.

The photos show Vicky's rabbit Jaffa who is only five and a half months old. She bought him in to show everyone - he was very cute and everyone enjoyed meeting him.

We're now called Ch@tterbox5 as we are all about getting our messages across and getting everyone talking together in our 5 day centres. Last week we started work on our profile sheets for our notice board so everyone knows who's in the team. The week before we picked our name and started clearing all the notice boards and this week we've been typing up our profile sheets and making posters for when the Old Fire Station opens on the Thundersprint weekend. We're serving up bacon and sausage batches, hot and cold drinks, face painting, being an helmet and leather drop and having a plant stall so we're going to be very busy then too! Karen has been doing lots of laminating for us and Barry has been pinning everything up for us and have been a great help!

Next week we'll take a group photo and one of our lovely notice boards too. We've also been asked to do some easy-read minutes for meetings so that veryone can understand them, and make a directory of things going on in the community for all our centres to use. Watch this space!

Anyway, enough of that, here's what Barry, Karen and Jean have to say...

Barry says; "It was my birthday last Saturday and I went out to the motorway cafe at Knutsford Services to see all the trucks. I had my photo taken beside lots of trucks, my favourite was a DAF one and there was a DAF tanker and a MAN one too. I saw Royal Mail, Eddie Stobart, Jack Richards and Saints trucks on the motorway. I had steak and kidney pie, chips, peas, gravy and a muffin for a treat. It was a good birthday . I am 63 now."

Jean says; "I moved to a downstairs bedroom in our house last weekend, it's really nice, it's much better not having to go up and down stairs. I watched the Royal Wedding on TV and went next door for a party after, the buffet was lovely and we had takeaway later too - chicken and pineapple."

Karen says: "On 23rd May its my Dad's birthday and he'll be 70 so we're having a big party in the Mill Pool for him, with 15 people invited. I'm having my nails done at Anita's specially for it and I'm really looking forward to it. Last weekend I watched all of the Royal Wedding on TV, the kiss was the best bit, when she kissed him twice, and the car, and her dress was gorgeous!"
