
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Upcoming Dates for your diary!

September and October are looking to be quite exciting months for us.

We have the Summer ball coming up on Friday 24th September and we got a quick interview with Jill Duffy this morning. It's set to be a good night, starting at 7.30 till 11 at Castle Private Club. Jeff Crawshaw is doing the music, and the dress code is BLING! Ladies, get glammed up, gents get your best clothes on, as there will be spot prizes for the best outfits and dancers. There'll be nibbles too, and for tickets (£3.50 or 2.50 for carers) and more information, catch Jill at The Old Fire Station.

At Wilf's Drop in on Thursdays, this is whats coming up over the next few weeks....

16th September - Mrs Calvert is coming in to help us make greetings cards (there is a charge of £! per card if you want to take them home)

23rd September - to be confirmed....

30th September - Marion Murdoch is going to update us on the Partnership Board

7th October - BINGO!!!!!!!

14th October - to be confirmed.....

And lastly, Neil Dyson, DJ at the Gateway Club, would like to recommend Evita, which is on at the Lowry in Salford, from Monday 6th to Saturday 18th September - check details with the Lowry if you fancy that....

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