
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wendy,s healthy eating.

Today we talked to Community Nurse Karen Brogan about healthy eating.
  I like tomato soup to warm me up in the winter.  I also like my Sunday Dinner. This usually has carrots, cauliflour, mashed potato, yorkshire puddings and gravy. My favourite sandwiches are egg sandwiches.

I have had a yearly medical check at the doctors. In one appointment I had my blood preasure taken, I was weighed and I talked to the doctor about the foods I eat and weather i was worried about my health in any way.  I was not worried about the check up and the doctor was nice to me and helped me to feel calm and not worried.

I am also happy to go to the dentist. I have ny teeth checked and cleaned. I like having my teeth cleaned at the dentist. I do not like the dentist when teeth are being taken out because it hurts but I still felt the dentist was looking after me there.

I also have some excercise. I like going for walks to Delamere Forest with my parents. We wrap  up warm and wear trainers so we don,t sliip over.

Even though I eat healthy foods I do enjoy eating sweets. But I know I should not eat too many as they are not good for my teeth.

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