
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello from Meadowbank Lodge!

We're in the IT session this afternoon at Meadowbank Lodge.

First it's hello from Stacey who says: "This photo was taken in the woods at Whitegate Way. It's nice there, I like being out and about and meeting new people, I'm very very friendly to people."

Martin Pendlebury says: "I've just moved into a new house, I've got my own room and I'm sharing with three of my friends. My bedroom has got cars in one corner and it's nice and clean and tidy and it's perfect. I'm loving being there."

Clifford Torvell says: "I love being at Meadowbank Lodge and today is day 449. I'm looking at all sorts on the computer today and having fun. I'm looking up trains at the moment."

Christian is being very helpful today fetching and tidying and passing things over. He's sat next to Stacey and has been looking up Kylie on Youtube today.

David Nielson is watching a Carry On Film, he's very good at working the DVD for us. David says: "We like Frank Spencer. He was dancing himself in the show at Pontins and the ladies were sitting down on the chairs were they then. Wonderful is it."

Hamish is very busy writing at the moment, he is doing a fantastic job, and says he's had a good afternoon.

Bye from Meadowbank Lodge for now!

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