
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rae and Phillip's post

Rae says:" I've been to the Penny Black this morning, we didn't go the the gym as there weren't many of us today and it was raining. I had a cappucino and some crisps, they were nice. This afternoon I'm going to get a paper. Yesterday I went to Chester and had a jacket potato with lettuce cucumber and tomato, very healthy, and a cup of coffee. It was in the market cafe, I like it there. I got a Sun and the Radio Times too. My favourite programme on TV is Columbo with Peter Faulk because he is clever and always gets them in the end."

Phillip says: "I was going to try cycling today at Marbury but the weather was too grim so I'm going to try again next week and hope it's not raining. Instead we went to McDonalds for a drink and I had a diet coke - more healthy than coke. For my lunch today I had ham sandwiches and crisps and some pop and a biscuit too, it was very nice!"


paul gibson said...

Hi Phillip,
are you going cycling this week?
Did you know Widnes are in the superleague now?

I'm going to start doing th blo soon

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
Yes I did go cycling today, it was alright, the weather was nice and I did a whole lap, it was hard work. Well done Widnes! Nice to have you on the Blog, See you tomorrow night in Frodsham, from Phillip
