
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hello again from the Old Fire Station!

This morning is a bit grey and rainy in Northwich but we're nice and cosy in here...
This week, this is what the Blog team have to say, and first today its Barry Williams.

Barry hasn't been out and about much this week as he's got a bit of a bad leg but we hope it gets better soon. Last Wednesday night though he wen't out to Chris Bebbington's disco at St Wilf's church hall. 'I didn't dance, I just sat and rested my leg but I enjoyed the night out. Some of the music was a bit before my time but I liked Bill Haley and the Comets and a can of coke and two mars bars. I think other people should give the disco a go as it was a good night."

Rae Williams has been out and about lots and yesterday he went out with his companion Chris to Warrington on the bus. "I had egg and bacon on toast at Warrington market for lunch and it was alright. Then I went to the Hopole pub for a cup of coffee and bought Night at the Museum 2 at Asda. I saw it at the pictures with Chris last year and it was fab! It wasn't raining it was a nice day and we had a chat on the bus with two ladies I'd met before. I got a Radio Times and a paper too. It was a good day and nice to be out and about."

Derek Powell has been out and about aswell, to Nantwich. "I went with my brother in law and sister last Saturday, the weather was ok. We went to Hiltons Cafe and a nice lady served us and I had an egg and bacon butty and a cup of coffee. I would go back there again as it was very nice. We went in the charity shops, and one shop was so busy that we couldn't even get in there were that many people. Nantwich is nice for a wander.
And I'd like to say my sister is a good cook, she made a lovely home made meat pie for our tea the other night which was really nice, very good."

Karen Morrey has been out and about on business for our Blog group too this morning, delivering a copy of our newsletter to the Sweet Shop, as it was featured in last month's issue as Karen's favourite place - they were very pleased according to Karen.
And this morning, Sue Taylor won the Holidays with Help cap that Irene Threlfall donated when she came in to talk to us just before Christmas - well done Sue!
More in a minute.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic work Fire Station Bloggers!!!!!!!!!!!! Love reading your news and views. Have a very Happy New Year
