
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More recommendations.....

Barry Williams is up next and this week his news is that his Jack Richards visit has been rearranged to the 4th December which he's very excited about - he's looking forward to sitting in one of their trucks very much. And he also sends best wishes to Carol who has a bad back, and we all hope she feels better soon.

Rae Williams has been to Chester again and had jacket potato and beans for his lunch - very healthy! And he got a Bert Weedon cd - he is a guitarist from the 50s 60s and 70s and Rae says its like the Shadows - very soothing, not too noisy so give it a try if you fancy something new.

Derek Powell has been out and about to the Christmas Fair at Castle last Saturday at the church. He won a bottle of wine in the raffle, and had a good wander round. We've been busy trying to make up some quiz questions for Wilf's drop in tomorrow anfd we worked out whilst doing it that its only 38 days till Christmas now so we'll all need to get thinking about Christmas shopping!

Ricky Foster would like to thank the staff at kimberley house for lovely fish and chips last night!!!
Patsy Scott and Charlie Royle have both been on holiday last weekend with Holidays with Help to Pontins and had a lovely time. Patsy enjoyed singing to Rule Britannia and Charlie Royle enjoyed having a pint!
Jackie Goldstraw, who is a support worker would like to thank Ricky for doing some of the typing this week, which is is getting very fast at, and is trying her best to do some new clocking in cards for everyone, so bear with me! And I've also been on a steam train back in Staffordshire, which was very exciting!
Nicky Turnbull is a senior and is looking forward to all of us from the Old Fire Station going out for Christmas lunch at the Memorial Hall in December - watch this space!
Denise Hewitt who is a support worker is waiting for her invite to the Royal Wedding next year!
More next week!

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