
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our News

Derek Powell
I went to a Halloween Party on Saturday. I wore a scary mask and a blood covered shirt. It was Tracey Radcliffe's party so there were lots of my friends there.

Jean Clarke
I went to see Blackpool illuminations on Saturday. We watched the tower change colour from red to blue. My favourite part was all the trams lit up.

Jonny Oswell
I went to visit my cousin in Liverpool this weekend. We went shopping together in the city centre.

TV news by Sue

Film Picks for the week include there's somethin about mary, sin city and papillon,  big chicken run,  and the fugiitive.


i watching special hallowreen strictiy come dancing  I  like sid owen dance with his parnter oia jordon  I am sad about sid owen got knock out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Favourite Superhero

I like all kinds of Superheroes but my all time favourite is Wonder Woman

My birthday news

on saturday morning it was my birthday mum singing to me in bedroom  I had my shower and breakfast I had a piece of toast   I had DVD called Twighlight , likely lads and Benidorm plus Gavine and Stacey , perfume , 2 black pens and plain papper . silky scarf and commputer clearner in shape of a rabbit and chocolates.
went out with Adrinne and went to a baby shower . Then went back and had a chineses at home.  today I went to Damebridge mendical centre with mum  I had fast blood  test  mum took me at firdale. 

Nickys News

we  went  to  tims house for  dinner   we had pork apple sauce   roast  pototes  swede carrots and butter  bread pudding  had a cup  of coffee  on wedseday chocolate  cakes and  niky mum is don the bolg  it is nice time saturday help mum swim  my mum is  having her  knee done  in November -  i will help you  mum in  gardon pulling up the flowers  in  the  green  bin, brown food    bin boxes  making  cakes  on  sunday  george   and daisy play mum has  very good time.  weekend coming up do the clocks  go  back at  2pm   saturday  night.  swim  day  at 4pm  curry  night  i love  my  mum   my laces is come  off o deer  i am  sorry!

Tracys Soap News

Coronation  street  -  its  the  day of the embryo transfer but  tommy can  no
longer hold his tongue and after  a chat with rita begs  time  to  reconsider.
will she go back on her word? Following  the operation its the moment of truth for sophie  as she is given her prognosis  will  she regain
the  use  of  her legs  or will  she  be paralysed  for  the rest of
her life ? By Tracy R

Sue's news

                       makin  my cooking  this morning and very happy morrning
                       cooking chololaetcake             

Emma's News

here are my medals from cardiff. 3 for my Back strokes and freestyle and 1 for a relay.The other medals are from the week before,  3 silver and 2 gold for breast stroke and free style. The lakes has closed for swimming now because it is getting cold. by Emma Calvert.

Winsford Cross shopping centre

i   visited   Winsford   with   jlll    duffy      on    tuesday      
i like     the    shops   there   and   picked up an  argos    
christmas   catalogue by Derek

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cinema club

Tim said he went to the cinema club weaverham yesterday and watched Uncle Buck. He said it was very funny and suggests people go and watch it.

Virgin Airways

Jason went to Manchester airport on saturday with 2 carers and saw  a virgin plane taking off and said it was really big.


Tracy read her ok magazine today and picked out some pop gossip ie Simon Cowell rejected Michelle Connor, Victorie`s shock revelation from before she was married to David Beckham and Kym Marsh speaks exclusively to OK about Jamie.


I was watching Emmerdale and Declan got married to Katie plus Chas married Dan. Both Gennie and Debbie went into labour.Jimmy had a fight with Carl over selling the buisness and house.Rumours say there is going to be a death but we don`t know who.I don`t like Declan because he defraued his sister out of her half of the festival funds.

Helping mum

Nicky helped her mum in the garden last saturday, picking up the leaves and put them in the green bin. nicky also helped her mum put the boxes out on Tuesday ready to be empted. Nicky also said she would be helping her mum to make a cake tomrrow plus helping her to clean the house. Nicky also said she will be going swimming tomorrow and saturday.

christmas shopping

Derek went shopping in Warrington on saturday with Lynn and Chris and traveled in the car. Derek looked round the christmas shop and they bought some christmas tree decorations.

Library Visit

On Friday I went to the library in Northwich. I went on the computer and watched videos of my favourite band Saxon.

Liverpool trip

on saturday Im going to see  Dirty Dancing in liverpool. I'm  going with mary and Tom  and staff paula and jill are going todrive us up there.  by Jean

good places to holiday

devon is a beautiful   place   to  go    on holiday   it     is in the  south of england by carol   reilly

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My news by Tracy

today i made cakes with vickie. we made coffee walnut cake with ellen. tonight i am going to a disco house. my favourite song is nicki minaj.

My news by Nicky

I will help mum at the weekend.    Emma    is   good   for  winning swimming medals.    Today at  Firdale I cooked      some     cakes   and  cleaned   room. At home I cleaned the bathroom and  dished   up   the    dinner      on   thursday for me and mum. Last night I  went  to   blackpool   see the lights and had  fish   and    chips   and peaes. I saw the daleks  and   space    ship. I watched   gypsy weddding horses in blackpool and it was very good. 

When I was 10 years old I stayed in Blackpool in a caravan with my mum and dad. I went in a rubber dingy with my dad at fleetwood in the pool. Then went up the Blackpool Tower and i was sick because im scared of heights. I saw Ruth Maddock and Paul Shane in Blackpool. I went to see the circus with my mum and dad  to see the animals. At Blackpool I went on the fairground and went on the bumper cars. I went to the show to see Orville The Duck. My mum went on the swinging boat with my grandad, they were scared.

Wyatt Earp

I like Wyatt Earp because he`s a sheriff and has a badge. He was born March 19, 1848 and died January 13, 1929.

Our Amazing Special Olympic Swimmers

In September, a team of swimmers from the Cheshire Penguins went over to Puerto Rico for the Special Olympics. They said they had a fantastic time and everyone in the team won a medal which was a brilliant performance that we are all really proud of. Four of the swimmers were from the Old Fire Station.

Jodie Bowyer swam a season best in the 50m backstroke final, just missing out on a bronze medal. She swam a personal best in the 100m freestyle heats abd as a result was put into a top race. Despite the tough race she gave a really good account of herself , coming first over the first 2 lengtht but unfortunately she tired over the last 50m and finished 7th. She picked herself up and swam the anchor length of the realy and by holding her nerve brought the team upto a bronze medal.

Emma Calvert swam 100m freestyle, achieving a personal best in the heats. It's not normally her best event but in her final she was consistent with her time and came home with a bronze medal!
Her next event was 200m breaststroke and she had a really strong opponent from the USA. Despite this she still came home 2nd and went under 5 minutes again, which is a good landmark for her. Probably her best swim of the competition was her last race, knocking 8 seconds off her heat time for 100m breststroke, winning her final in style.

Sean Daniels has worked so hard for this tournament - he's been lake swimming and jogging and lost quite a bit of weight, and that helped him back up his strong heat times with strong swims in the finals. He finished 4th in 50m backstroke, narrowly missing out on a medal. In the 100m freestyle he knocked 2 seconds off his heat time, something he's struggled to achieve in the past. His ultimate swim was doing the first leg of the medlay relay, holding his nerve and not letting anyone down when faced with the Italian team taking a flyer and officials looking to disqualify them. The situation added to a lenghty wait for Sean but he still gave the team a solid start on the first leg, and as a result they came home first, which never really looked in doubt.

Peter Edwards quietly went about his business as he always does - he did all his talking with his swims in the pool. His first race was the 200m freestyle, knocking 26 seconds off his heat time to come in 3rd - it was a personal best and a momentous effort. He swam the 50m freestyle in both heats and finals consistently just off his best time. Unfortunately he got unlucky with his final allocation and was entered into the toughest race of his life. Despite this he gave a good account of himself, finishing 4th - a medal chance was just a little too difficult. Peter's ultimate challenge was to perform the 3rd leg of the freestyle relay. The 3rd leg involves the skill of waiting for the oncoming athlete to touch before he sets off, something that had never really been asked of him before - and what a great job he did, helping the team win a gold medal.

We are so so proud of all of you - well done doesn't cover it!

Thanks to Ann Calvert for the report and for looking after the Penguins so well..

Grozone by Joanne and Krystyna

Joanne and I go to Grozone on Wednesday mornings. We started with a few taster sessions and we love it. Jo now loves to sit on the ground and feel the different textures of soil and grass through her fingers. She doesn't mind getting dirty! Everyone is friendly at the Growzone and we are always made welcome. We always see someone we know among the volunteers who go each week and people from the different day centres. As the weeks progress we see the land taking shape and the big pond being filled.
If you like being outdoors, try Grozone. It changes every season and there is always something new going on.
From Krystyna at Dane Walk.

Football League Matches

On Friday 28th October we all went over to Chester for our league matches. Karen Morrey was our fantastic photographer and reporter for the day. Dawn from Cheshire FA gave out some awards for the last set of matches and our Susie Blowers and Paul Gibson won one, aswell as Keith Brookes from Moreton. It started raining just as everyone went out but the matches went on regardless and the rain soon slacked off. Everyone played really well and put a lot of effort in. The teams kept switching round so we lost track of all the scores! We saw David Kelsey and Steph  Lane get really good goals, aswell as Jackie Bate and Simon Edgley, and we saw a fantastic save by David Pendelbury. Well done to everyone involved, we're looking forward to next month!

My Checkup At The Dentist

I  went to the dentist at 2.00pm on Tuesdaay. I went for a checkup, he saud ny teeth were fine. Frank took me to the dentist and brought me home. When i got home i had my dinner, i had a sausage roll.

My Holiday In Italy!

I went on holiday to Italy last week with my mum and dad. The weather was warm. I went shopping and bought a new pencil case and pens. I also bought a new watch from my holiday, it is green and black. There is a drawing in my drawing book that my dad drew for me of a clock tower near a river in Italy. Also there is a drawing of fields with a apple tree. We went for walks around the town and to see Lake Garda it was great. I had a good time!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My shopping weekend by Derek Powell

I went to Warrington and had a look around the shops on Saturday.On Sunday I went into Northwich and did some shopping in Iceland.I stayed with my sister Marion this weekend.

My Weekend by Jean Clarke

I had my room decorated this weekend.  They have painted it pink and I have had some new bedding, so I have had a busy weekend at home. I have changed the furniture around and it has made my room look bigger.

My Visit To Marks And Spencers

I went to the new Marks and Spencers with with my friend Georgia and mum. We looked around the clothes shops. I had a toasted sandwich with mushroom and cheese for lunch.  I also had a drink of cappuccino.On my birthday which is the 20th October  I am going out to a baby shower with with my friend Ade, then we having a Chinese with the girls at home. Today my mum is going out to Chester to do some shopping.

My Weekend by Rae Williams

I enjoyed my weekend at my sisters and we went to church,and we had hotpot.
