
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Barry's Trip to Leyland!

On 3rd of December, I will be going to Leyland truck museum with my companion to look at old trucks. I am really looking forward to this trip! Last time I have been to Leyland museum with my companion Dean was absolutely fantastic! This week I have seen an eddiestobart truck , I waved at the driver and he waved back at me! For Chrismas I am looking forward to getting an eddistorbart model truck for my present. Iam also fascinated by the new Volvo FH16.

'Strictly Come Dancing' Special Christmas Edition

If you are after a good family fun show, then make note of the Elves and The Shoemaker being performed by Stuff & Nonsense Theatre Company. Its got everything - stunning puppetry, music and lots of suprisess - and is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face!

Jean's Birthday

On Monday was my 58th birthday. I had a party on sunday in my house. My friends and family came and we danced and ate cakes . I got lots of presents, my favourite present was my new CD player and new CD's. I also got new pyjamas. I had a great birthday!

Fantastic Friday Football and fun Games

We were playing football on Friday morning until 1.00 oclock. Some people from the old fire station and Winsford came to play with us. We had different games, packed lunch and biscuits. The weather was fine for this time of the year although it was a bit windy and breezy. We had exercises, jogging on the spot, had our photos taken. Different people came to take part. It was a good day, we had a lovely time. At the end of the day we were given medals and programs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Karen's blog post

On Saturday I’m going out for bonfire night at verdin in park to watch the fire works display.
The only downside to this evening is that all the animals will be scared
Some kids are dangeross with fire works as they mess with them and sometime put them in letter boxes. In the morning some growns up throw fireworks in letterboxes too which is bad.
The police and fire bridgade work very hard to make sure that everyone is safe and has a fun bonfire night.
On the plus side fire works are beautiful and make colourful partners in the sky at night and they have food there, hotdogs and burgers too.
